Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
Mofkrah is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. This Data Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, share, store, and protect your personal data when you interact with our website, services, or products.
2. Legislation & Guidance
This policy meets the requirements of the GDPR and provisions of the ADGM Data Protection Regulations of 2021 and the Federal Decree Law No. 45/2021 on the Protection of Personal Data.
3. Definitions 
Personal Data  means any data relating to an identified natural person, or a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, through the linking of data, by reference to an identifier such as his name, voice, image, identification number, online identifier, geographical location, or one or more physical, physiological, economic, cultural or social characteristics. 

Process or Processing means anything done to personal data, such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting, altering, retrieving, using, disseminating, erasing or destroying. Processing can be automated or manual.
4. Scope
This policy applies to all personal data collected by Mofkrah both online and offline, including (but not limited to):
- Healthcare data
- Legal data
- Educational dataInternal business data
- Website usage data
- Customer and client information
- Employee information
- Meeting Details
5. Personal Data We Collect
The types of personal data we collect may include without limitation:
- Contact Information: Name, email address, phone number.
- User Data: Data generated through the use of our AI-powered solutions.
- Usage Information: Information about how our services are accessed and used.
- Additional Information: Information voluntarily provided by users for specific purposes.
6. How We Use Your Personal Data
We will use your personal data for the following purposes:
- To provide and improve our AI-powered solutions.
- To communicate with users, respond to inquiries, and provide support.
- To personalize user experiences and enhance our services.
- To comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
7. Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data
The principles of Lawfulness, fairness and transparency are the pillars of processing your Personal Data. We process your personal data based on the following legal grounds:
- Consent: You have given your consent for us to process your personal data for a specific purpose.
- Contract: The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you.
- Legal obligation: The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation that we are subject to.
- Legitimate interests: The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, such as improving our services or protecting our business, provided that your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.
8. Disclosure of your personal information by us
We may disclose your information to our third-party service providers, agents and subcontractors for the purposes of providing services to us or directly to you on our behalf, including to provide transcription, insights, and detailed notes etc. ​​We only disclose your personal information outside our business in limited circumstances. If we do, we will put in place a contract that requires recipients to protect your personal information, unless we are legally required to share that information. Any contractors or recipients that work for us will be obliged to follow our instructions and the data shall be deleted on completion of processing. We do not sell your personal information to third parties.
 9. Data Security and Protection
- We have implemented industry-standard measures to safeguard personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
- Access to personal information is restricted to authorized personnel with a legitimate need to access such data.
10. Data Retention
- We retain personal information only for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy or as required by law.
- Users may request the deletion of their personal information, subject to legal obligations and legitimate business needs.
11. Sharing of Personal Information
- We do not sell or rent personal information to third parties.
- We may share personal information with trusted third-party service providers for the sole purpose of delivering our services.
- Sharing personal data, if any, is subject to the applicable rules and regulations in the United Arab Emirates. 
12. Cookies and Tracking Technologies
- We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance user experiences.
- Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.
13. Data Subject Rights
Individuals have the right to: 
- Access, correct, or delete their personal information. Requests can be submitted to;  
- Request a confirmation that their personal data is being processed;
- Request a clarification as to what is the purposes of the data processing;
- The categories of personal data concerned;
- Who the data has been, or will be, shared with;
- How long the data will be stored for, or if this isn’t possible, the criteria used to determine this period;
- The source of the data, if not the individual;
- Whether any automated decision-making is being applied to their data, and what the significance and consequences of this might be for the individual;
- We will respond to such requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
14. Training 
All our employees are provided with data protection training as part of their induction process. Data protection will also form part of continuing professional development, where changes to legislation, guidance or our processes make it necessary.
15. Changes to the Privacy Policy
We may update this Data Privacy Policy periodically. Changes will be reflected on our website with the updated date.
16. Contact Information
For questions, concerns, or requests related to this Data Privacy Policy, please contact us at
17. Governing Law
This Data Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which  Mofkrah operates.
18. Acceptance of Terms
By using Mofkrah services, users accept the terms outlined in this Data Privacy Policy.